3 Condo Units for Sale
June has been a very busy month. The exteriors, facing south, are completed with the river side close behind. Condo #8 (SOLD) is near completion. Tours are available anytime. Please call ahead to arrange (Maxine, 204-679-5153). Maxine will be onsite until June 21st.
FOR SALE: Units #6 & #7: Customize your space by choosing cabinets, wall color, flooring, fixtures, etc. These units are now primed and ready for a buyer. The exteriors are complete with a 7' sidewalk at entry, large enough for a BBQ and small sitting area (southern exposure). The stamped patios (river side) are almost complete. Occupancy is based on purchase date - 10 to 12 weeks would be required to finish following the ordering of cabinets. Call (204) 734-4466 for more information.

FOR SALE: Unit #5: The interior walls are going up with the bathroom fixtures now in place. Occupancy would be a minimum of 4-5 months.

Landscaping: Some major landscaping in the courtyard with the river starting to open up. The grass has been planted and is growing nicely.