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Grand Opening Well Attended

RiverView Condos & Suites Grand Opening/ Swan Valley Historic Museum Fundraiser Well Attended

Mayor Glen McKenzie cutting the ribbon, with owners Brian Vandepoele, Scott and Maxine Larway, Marilyn and Joel Delaurier.

Close to 150 people came out on Friday, May 26th for the official grand opening of RiverViews Condos and Suites/ Fundraiser. After enjoying a great meal of Beef and Bison, hearing a few words from the owners of RiverView Condos and Suites and Mayor Glen McKenzie, the ribbon was cut and the doors to RiverView Condos and Suites were officially opened.



A huge thank-you to “Irvin and Friends” who entertained us throughout the event with some great old time music (unfortunately, Irvin (Hiebert) was not feeling well and could not attend – hope your feeling better soon Irvin). Great job Guy, Gus and Walter!

Thank-you to Atkinson Farms (Darren and Vickie Atkinson) for the generous donation of Bison Sausage and Bison Burgers and to J.B. Construction for the generous donation of Beef.

Thank-you to Bert and Syle for picking up the meat and taking charge on the BBQing.


Door prizes were donated by Ace Hardware (Bird Bath), Delaurier Duo (Knife set) and Swan Valley Co-op ($50 Gift Certificate). Thank-you!

Thank-you to our families and friends for stepping to help with setting up and working the through the day. Greatly appreciated!

A huge thank you to the following Vendors who contributed toward the Patio Set (Raffle) and donated items for the day. The lucky receiptant of the set was Kyla Kluke of Benito. We are very pleased to announce that $4200 was raised from the lunch, raffle ticket sales and the donations from the following vendors.

Thank-you to Coralie and Lance from The Brick for doing such an amazing job on both staging and supplying of the décor for Condo #3.

This has been an amazing project! The Town of Swan River, the Town Council, all the vendors we worked with and the J.B Construction Crew all worked hard with us to see this phase come to fruition (and on schedule). We are very excited to turn the keys over to the new owners and we look forward to carrying on to Phase II this fall.


Thank again to all who supported our Grand Opening and Fundraiser. We look forward to seeing you all again for the Phase II grand opening next spring.

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